Aug 20th 2024 This is page three of picture I created to help people understand the japan had 150 thousand site with one ton black bags of man made radiation total of 30 million one ton black bags .

Fukushima missing pictures
Read MoreThese are pictures I created to help show the radioactive fallout from Japan Fukushima nuclear meltdowns behind the Extinction level event we are now witnessing
Read MoreThe nuclear monster in the farmers field
Read MoreYour tides have danced under the moonlight, a ballet of ebb and flow that has soothed the weary souls who walk your shores.
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Declining Insect Population Prompts New Sediment Pollution Limits For Rural VA Counties
Puffins "Just based on the the body mass and just picking up the dead chicks, that were just skin and bones, so essentially they died of starvation."
Mass deaths of elephant seals recorded as bird flu sweeps across the Antarctic
Mystery as killer whale found in the middle of nowhere with seven whole otters in its stomach it must have reached near starvation to have eaten the sea otters.
U.S. biologists probe deaths of 70 emaciated gray whales
Kelping is a 'global phenomenon' sweeping the world of humpback whales, scientists say
Nearly 1,000 seals and sea lions in southern Brazil
150 dolphins dead in Amazon; scientists blame 102-degree water
Scotland’s seabirds faced another challenging summer The species with the highest number of reported mortalities were guillemot (3,519 birds) and kittiwake (3,367) followed by black-headed gull (834), herring gull (371), razorbill (368), common tern (304), Sandwich tern (231), Arctic tern (89) and other gulls (125). The remaining mortality sightings included 26 other species.
Coffee Prices Could Rise Due to Loss of Insects Various plant crops such as coffee, cocoa, watermelon and mango are under threat because of declining pollinator biodiversity
Snowy Owls Migrating Across Canada Can't Find Food
The age of extinction ‘Crabs everywhere’: off Canada’s Pacific coast, Indigenous Haida fight a host of invasive species by Leyland Cecco in Haida Gwaii. Daajing Giids . Bobby Parnell . Niisii Guujaaw
‘Uncharted territory’: more than 2m fungi species yet to be discovered, scientists say
Hundreds of emaciated seals dying across New Zealand
Inside world’s crocodile attack capital where beasts have eaten 450 people alive
Journal Editor: Fake Studies Are Being Cited in “Deliberate Misinformation” Attempts To Tie Whale Deaths to Wind Farms
Wildlife surveys in southwest Yukon have shown a "concerning" decline in the number of Dall sheep
You aren't imagining it Bedbugs ARE having a moment right now - The Weather Network
How a false claim about wind turbines killing whales is spinning out of control in coastal Australia
Orcas Feasted on the Lips of Humpback Whales, Hunting with Ancient Whalers
72 whales have died on the East Coast in a year. NOAA must take action.
You Might Want To Keep American House Spiders Around
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‘10s of Thousands’ of dead and dying birds are washing ashore on the Aussies East Coast The short-tailed shearwater, also known as the muttonbird . major problem with measuring just how many birds are dying is that Australia doesn’t have an official method of documenting it.
In 2013, approximately three million muttonbirds died off the East Coast
Solving the mystery of the death of millions of seabirds 2021 .
Back in 2013, about three million migrating short-tailed shearwater (Ardenna tenuirostris) birds died along the east coast of Australia
Elusive scaly creature — last seen in 1981 — rediscovered in grassland in Australia
Researchers report their recordings of a synchronized mass mortality of over 5,000 Peruvian sea lion in Peru’s
Insects hold our planet together — but they’re disappearing.
Study warns that insects could be declining at rates 8 times faster than mammals, birds and reptiles.
Why the falling number of insects should bug us
Karen Davis, Who Battled for the Rights of Birds, Dies at 79
Killer whales spotted in Quebec's lower north shore
Man finds over 34 dead whales washed up on Tasmanian beach: ‘Devastating’
Heartbreaking Video Shows 2 Young Orcas Trying to Save Dying Older Whale
Where have all the grasshoppers gone?
NFWF Announces $4.1 Million in Grants to Conserve the Monarch Butterfly and Other Insect Pollinators
Babies of near-extinct sea star species hatched by San Diego Zoo in scientific first . Ashley Kidd, Sunflower Star Lab Conservation Aquaculture project manager
10,000 and 20,000 individuals of Common Cranes Dead in Hungary
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The first 100 days of the COVID19 cornavirus shows WHO United Nation and govt worldwide participated on the scamdemic plandemiic used to take over earths destiny and was used to cover up the radiation fallout from Japans nuclear meltdowns and subsequent mass die off world wide due to radioactive fallout .
Read MoreThe first 100 days pf the COVID19 in hindsight clearly show how United Nations aka Military industrial complex scammed and stole humanity’s future .
Read MoreThe first 100 days of the COVID19 scam shows media stabbing humanity in the back all day every day
Read MoreThe Cornavirus scam where nearly 90% of People Hospitalized for COVID-19 Have Underlying Conditions, Says CDC
Read MoreThe first 100 days of COVID19 United Nations scamdemic shows take over of earth .
Read MoreThe first 100 days of the degenerate United nations scamdemic shows it was a take over of humanity
Read MoreSee for yourself the first 100 days of COVID19 scam shows humanity being betrayed by evil United Nations
Read MoreSee for yourself the first 100 days of COVID19 scam shows humanity being betrayed by evil United Nations
Read MoreDocumenting the first 100 days of the United Nations plandemic where UN destroyed the future of humanity
Read MoreThe first 100 days of the COVID19 shows United Nation deadly attack upon humanity
Read MoreThe first 100 days of the Cornavirus COVID19
Read MoreThe first 100 days of the Scamdemic COVID19
Read MoreHeadlines and pictures of the first 100 days of COVID19 scamdemic show the vicious evil United Nations hoodwinked and destroyed the entire planet to get control by way of deception .
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