No nuclear scientist has ever been to Fukushima just like no Vampires have ever been spotted there . No nuclear scientist has ever looked in a mirror nor has any Vampires . No nuclear professors have ever been liked just like Vampires except by other monsters . Nuclear academics can not cook a meal or boil water just like Vampires . Nuclear scientist have no real friends just like Vampires .
The typical mass murdering nuclear lapdogs prefer to do their evil in the dark Just like Vampires . Nuclear academics will wither and die when exposed to sunlight just like vampires . The term Nuke tarts is a term I coined for the inbreed children of original nuclear monsters 75 years ago and those inbreeds fill the seats at major university’s today .
The destructive self entitled nuke tarts ( aka inbreeds ) by design feed off humans exclusively just like vampires . The nuclear university’s are intent on killing all life everywhere to cement their revolting nuke legacy . We already see the mass die of the pacific ocean due to Nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima in Japan .
The inbreeding Nuke tarts caused the next generation of nuke tarts inbreeding to produce goblin type offspring’s we see today that are missing all emotions except entitled and arrogant self destructive . Why else has the entire nuclear industry acted like subhuman critters for 74 years and why is the nuclear legacy so vile for so long .. The demonic self centers ecocide monster machine known as the nuclear industry has jeopardized the entire planet and the 8 million species are at stake .
Japan is sinking into the deep end of irrelevancy by putting all its eggs into the pointless nuke basket besides sending contaminated food world wide . After almost 8 years the entire country of Japan is forced to continue living in nuclear denial . That is a down hill race with a big cliff as a finish line with no brakes and is not tenable . This will soon manifest in lost of trust world wide despite global medias wiliness to keep the nuclear fable alive .
Now the hole Japans Prime Minster Shinzo Able has dug the entire country into is now too deep for the victims to crawl out of and is filling up with radioactive water guaranteed to end badly for everyone who worked their entire lives only to have Able punk all of Japans hopes dreams and legacy out from underneath them with no safety net to catch them as they fall .
Perpetual misery is the only way to describe nuclear legacy . Radioactive fallout damage is documented throughout the past seven years right here at