100 Whales Die New Zealand, France Emaciated Whales,70 Emaciated Gray Whales,7000 Emaciated Seals

What the presentation below for the best details

The mass die offs all have one thing in common they are always Emaciated and its directly caused by the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdowns Radiation fallout destroying the food chain .

Almost 100 pilot whales and three dolphins have died in a mass stranding on New Zealand's remote Chatham Islands, conservation officials said Wednesday.



6 Emaciated fin whales wash up dead on French shores



Race to save whales in Sri Lanka's biggest mass stranding


USGS Says Harmful Algal Blooms Likely Not Cause of Alaska Seabird Die-offs in Bering Strait Region


A dead humpback whale was found on Fire Island National Seashore this week — the eighth large whale that has washed ashore in New York waters this year,


An unusual fish with a human-like face was captured in Thailand.


a Northern Bottlenose whale could not be saved after becoming stranded near Glasgow Airport in Black Cart Water https://www.glasgowlive.co.uk/news/glasgow-news/whale-dies-after-becoming-stranded-19168792

From 13 to 17 October, three northern bottlenose whales were found dead - Two Sowerby's beaked whales also died after stranding on the Lothian coast in east Scotland. All five had 'Looked skinny' aka emaciated and alive when they had stranded.


Number of Namibia’s dead emaciated seals rises to over 7,000


U.S. biologists probe deaths of 70 emaciated gray whales


New footage shows deteriorating condition of emaciated killer whale J17

Scientists warn that fish caught by fisheries contribute to increased CO2 emissions into the atmosphere https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/371938-cientificos-advierten-peces-capturados-pesquerias-emiciones-co2-atmosfera

Distressed, emaciated whale calf found at Raglan Harbour put down


Fishermen rescue 30 stranded dolphins in Puerto Lobos, Sonora


Orca whales abandon Strait of Gibraltar for Galicia as Mediterranean Sea temperatures rise https://www.google.com/search?q=killer+whale+Orca&tbs=qdr:w&tbm=nws&ei=IWCrX4CIJKXP5gKK8anYBQ&start=0&sa=N&ved=0ahUKEwjAnOLcy_nsAhWlp1kKHYp4Cls4ChDy0wMIgQE&biw=1086&bih=660&dpr=1

Hundreds of migrating waterfowl die in northwest Iowa after landing on wet roadways

bluebills ducks mallards , buffleheads and teal ducks .


60ft Dead whale weighing an estimated 35 tonnes remains on Baja beach , The whale is believed to have lost its way and then died while still in the ocean lol


Development of plants enhanced capacity for carbon sequestration from the atmosphere.


Marine animals are swallowing and becoming entangled in plastic at alarming rates, report finds Nearly 1,800 animals since 2009 have had life-threatening encounters.


A Global Seaweed ‘Plague’ Is Threatening West Africa’s Coast


‘One of the rarest’ whales in world North Atlantic right whale baby found stranded on NC’s Outer Banks https://www.newsobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article247354854.html

More than 30 birds have been found dead and no one knows how they died in a city with Huntersville Nc Nuclear Power Plants lol https://myfox8.com/news/carolina-waterfowl-rescue-investigating-after-more-than-30-birds-drop-dead-in-huntersville/

Severely Emaciated Dead Bryde’s Whale Washed Ashore on Iran’s Kish Island



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