Fukushima Nuclear Meltdowns Research Expedition Species Count 2020


Live stream of Video and pictures from Fukushima nuclear meltdowns radioactive fallout research expedition on the east coast of Canada shows a Extinction level event . I surveyed well over 400 lakes endless miles of rivers streams estuaries and only fount 2 fresh water birds . I spent 19 days in a tent and travel and never seen a single flock of birds flying . I will shared this story with everyone smart enough to care tonight on my live stream .

I had a mechanical breakdown out in the middle of the woods a few days ago and had to get towed out of the woods and 700 miles back to my home and need to raise enough money to fix the operation . I need real funding to get back out in the wild to finish of the species count expedition .

Finding only 2 fresh water birds over 19 days should terrify everyone . The truth is Fukushima nuclear fallout is destroying our planet and everyone's future and we need to act accordingly . The nuclear industry has gone to far , pretending this is not happening is not a option .

I call for common sense to prevail , we must all fight for a future we have no choice now but to join together and set the stage for humanity and and what is left of the 8 million species .
By Dana Durnford aka TheNuclearProctologist.org

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