By Dana Durnford Jan 1st 2022
June 14th 2011 must of seemed like a normal day for the average person in Canada . The sun was shinning and summer was in the air , baby animals where venturing out to see the world for the first time . Canada had just made a rush plans to give Darlington & Pickering dirty nuclear power plants in Ontario Canada a massive $12 Billion each for refits . Canadian authority’s had just secretly lifted a ban on food from a nuclear wasteland in Japan radioactive Fukushima Prefecture and all surrounding prefectures that are considered extremely radioactive .
In fact food was banned in 55 country’s from 14 of Japans Fukushima prefectures because of deadly man made radiation . Here is a depiction of those prefectures that are radioactive that covers almost half of the country .
That set the stage for a genocide of unimaginable precedence across the Canada that will ultimately destroy the country with Cancers and diseases and deaths . It should seems unimaginable that any country would lift a ban on food from a nuclear wasteland where multiple nuclear reactors where still melting down and half the country was covered in radioactive fallout but that apparently is normal for a death cult like the nuclear industry .
How could people in charge of a industry with so many checks and balances because of the dangers of radiation lift a ban that is mean to protect the entire population of a country with a total disregard for all Canadians . By the way kids are a 100 times more vulnerably than adults to man made radiation with the same dose . People are creatures of habit when it comes to food so most people who end up consuming Japans deadly food will get brutalized by the radiation .
Consuming man made radiation is known to inflict 1800 illnesses diseases auto immune deficiencies and illnesses like heart problems liver lung respiratory Diabetics Autism Down syndrome Alzheimer Dementia . When radiation goes in the Thyroid gland it is converted to harmful radioactive hormones that are distributed out through the entire body and will causes endless permanent health problems .
On June 14th 2011 the Canadian Nuclear power industry made a decision to secretly poison all Canadians indiscriminately without a debate and with reckless abandonment by allowing radioactive food banned worldwide to be shipped into a country for consumption by a unsuspecting population . If someone poisons another person and the person dies from it its called murder . When decision makers poison the entire population of a country and sustains the poison like Canada is doing by importing deadly radioactive food from a ongoing nuclear wasteland its call a Genocide .
The Ban on Japanese food should be reinstated immediately and the radioactive food should be removed immediately and the people who set this in motion so be arrested and charge with crimes against humanity immediately and the entire nuclear industry should be held accountable for not raising the alarm . Canada is suppose to be the best country in the world to live and now its one of the most pathetic country’s to live thanks to the nuclear industry the University’s and medias heartless soulless murderous vicious betrayal .
Below I will include headlines from that period to show you that the Canadian nuclear industry the Canadian university’s that are suppose to be checks and balances and the Canadian media who failed miserably every Canadian where all aware the food was not safe and are guilty of genocide .
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By Dana Durnford Jan 1st 2022