M6.6 Earth Quake Shakes Japan is on Japan's Seismic Intensity Scale of 7 Or 9.4 on Richter Scale

Should Japan Get Rid Of Its Incredibly Deceptive Seismic Intensity Scale of 7

No one announced how many KM off the coast of Japan the massive earth quake was they only announced the depth and most used varying numbers of that . No media gave the map showing different intensity throughout the region affected is a first . All media reported no damage to fragile remains of several nuclear power plants reactor core nuclear meltdowns in Fukushima within minutes ( That is impossible to assert right away due to the size of Nuclear power plant facility's ) but announced skyscrapers where swaying or rocking in Tokyo 400 km away .

The official narrative is a now M6.8 earthquake and Japanese media also mention It registered upper 5 on Japan's seismic intensity scale of 7 in parts of Miyagi . That is the same as a 8.14 Magnitude on the Richter magnitude scale in PARTS of Miyagi . And that it was a and lower 5 in areas including neighboring Fukushima is a 7.7 the Richter magnitude scale in neighboring Fukushima .

So that also means the M6.8 Earthquake offshore was on Japan's seismic intensity scale and would be a M9.7 on the Richter magnitude scale for it to be a upper 5 in Miyagi . A upper 5 on Japan's seismic intensity scale of 7 in parts of Miyagi is the same as a 8.14 Magnitude on the Richter magnitude scale in PARTS of Miyagi . Miyagi shaking can not be bigger than the original earthquake zone and we do not know how far off shore it is because not a single media has reported that .

Then its clear Japan is using its seismic intensity scale of 7 to confuse the world and downplay the obvious damage that must happen to Fukushima fragile nuclear reactors meltdowns remains . After all do people really think that building in Tokyo 400 km away from the ground zero are rocking but Fukushima nuclear reactors remains within 100 km that are incredibly fragile are not going to be affected .

Is there actually anyone on the planet that is that gullible ??

M6.8 quake shakes northeastern Japan , It registered upper 5 on Japan's seismic intensity scale of 7 in PARTS of Miyagi is the same as a 8.14 Magnitude on the Richter magnitude scale in PARTS of Miyagi https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2021/05/0d9fdcf68831-update2-m66-quake-shakes-northeastern-japan-no-tsunami-alert-issued.html

Northeast Japan jolted by 6.6 magnitude quake https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/magnitude-66-earthquake-strikes-off-coast-japan-no-tsunami-warning-issued-2021-05-01/ Japan shaken by strong quake strong aftershocks may hit the region in about a week https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/3131877/japan-shaken-strong-quake-near-epicentre-one-caused-2011

Powerful quake hits off northern Japan https://www.thestar.com/news/world/asia/2021/04/30/powerful-quake-hits-off-northern-japan-no-tsunami-risk.html

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