Japan never checked the rice from Fukushima and nuclear scientist never checked the rice from Fukushima the Farmers where given Geiger counters and told to check the rice before selling it . The non nuclear educated farmers Geiger counters at best can only find small amounts of Gamma and those Geiger counters can not find Beta Alpha and Neutrons . The Neutrons are created by hot partials of Uranium and Plutonium and Curium isotopes from nuclear meltdowns .
Japan and the IAEA never stopped growing food around the nuclear meltdowns and never even had the farmers start checking with useless Geiger counters until the second year . The original limit pre Fukushima nuclear meltdowns was 0.1 bq/kg after the nuclear meltdowns the limit was raised 5000 to 500 bg/kg of just cesium 137 and they never looked a single time for the 1000 other fission isotopes and continued to ship it world wide even today . The only way to describe this is a Genocide .