Fukushima Nuclear Meltdowns Radioactive Fallout is A Extinction Level Event . I go through Pic and Videos from the last week to show the damage from radioactive fallout post Fukushima nuclear meltdowns . The radioactive fallout from meltdowns of nuclear power plants has destroyed planets ecosystem and accelerated climate change into into overdrive .
The lost of species over the past 10 years has been blamed on the all encompassing climate change . That is the cover up for Fukushima nuclear fallout , cutting emissions is not the solution , stopping Fukushima would of been the no 1 solutions but we have past the point of mitigation and so climate change is being used to direct the world away from the real culprit Nuclear Fallout .
This presentation today will help articulate these issues . This is also a Fund Raiser to help continue the research while I have the seasons and weather in our favour .
Olympics chief accused of insulting Hiroshima survivors with visit to atomic bombing site https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2021/jul/15/olympics-chief-accused-of-insulting-hiroshima-survivors-with-visit-to-atomic-bombing-site
Olympic organizers will indicate the origins of food served in the casual dining area, but there won't be any specific labelling to mark out items from Fukushima. https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202107/1228743.shtml
Nearly $1.9 billion paid in Fukushima quake claims
Peace Prize For The Nuclear Bomb? by MORON Dr Jaijit Bhattacharya
Deal made for decommissioning seven UK nuclear reactors
US Army finalises plans to decommission historic highly-enriched uranium oxide fuel reactor
ENERGY Euratom Research and Training Programme receives €300 million for fusion research and to improve nuclear safety, radiation protection and training
EFS Plans Aneutronic Fusion Reactor , However, this reaction produces an intense stream of very energetic neutrons, which pose a significant radiological risk and must be shielded with thick concrete shielding surrounding the reactor. https://www.eetimes.com/efs-plans-aneutronic-fusion-reactor/
Long coming but slow to arrive, fusion energy approaches a milestone on path to commercial deployment https://impactalpha.com/long-coming-but-slow-to-arrive-fusion-energy-approaches-a-milestone-on-path-to-commercial-deployment/
New Space Radiation Limits Needed for NASA Astronauts, Report Says
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