Fukushima ELE: Emaciated Seabirds Manatees Orcas Fin Blues Gray Beaked Whales Coral extinctions

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Meltdowns has destroyed the eco system and is the only thing that can cause these mass die off event that are now accelerating all species to the point of no return .

Join Dana Durnford as he articulates the most recent mass die off and shows how the radioactive fallout is at the bases of the omnicide . Documented over many years of marine research the evidence is clear .

The reactors in Japan have been allowed to hemorrhage radiation by a bizarre death cult secret society known as The Nuclear Industry who have done nothing to stop the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants 4 melted reactor and melted fuel pools in each one but did do everything in their enormous power to hide it and betray humanity and 8 million species .

It is no accident that the Fukushima reactors where built in a tsunami & earthquake death zone . It is no accident that decades of reactor cores stored in fuel pools with no containment where placed at the very top of the 190 ft nuclear power plants reactor buildings .

Research has no answers for continued massive seabird die-off of emaciated shearwaters, murres, puffins, gulls, kittiwakes , cormorants and loons wash up dead The majority of test results just show that they’re starving.


Three Sowerby's beaked whales, washed up on Sandhead Bay in Dumfries and Galloway in UK on Tuesday https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/bloodbath-scenes-scots-beach-three-24887023

2-year-old J-pod orca calf in Emaciated ‘poor condition’


Southern Resident orca near Washington state presumed dead K21, also known as Cappuccino, last seen in poor body condition, emaciated and with a collapsed dorsal fin. https://www.king5.com/article/tech/science/environment/orcas/southern-resident-orca-near-washington-state-presumed-dead/281-f459d7f3-8ed0-423e-ba04-cc3a1c36720d

25-metre Emaciated endangered blue whale washes ashore on beach south of Halifax


Warming Atlantic Ocean due to Fukushima nuclear meltdowns is Drives Right Whales Towards Extinction


As sea temps rise these emaciated whales are leaving the Bay of Fundy in search of food


These Purple-Urchin Slayers Are Trying to Save Pacific Kelp Forests lol


Four Years Ago Manatees Were Declared No Longer Endangered. Now They Are Dying At A Record Pace


Manatee deaths in Florida point to a global decline in seagrass ecosystems


Ocean Oxygen Levels Too Low, Too Early


Amid an unprecedented collapse in Alaska Yukon River salmon, no one can say for certain why there are so few fish https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/rural-alaska/2021/09/06/amid-an-unprecedented-collapse-in-alaska-yukon-river-salmon-no-one-can-say-for-certain-why-there-are-so-few-fish/

Battling Extinction: In a hasty, unprecedented and all-hands-on-deck response to prevent coral extinctions, nearly 2,000 species have been under the care of 22 aquariums in 14 states for more than a year


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Tags : SeaLife Response, Rehabilitation and Research SR3 , Ecosphere . North Atlantic Right Whale ,

Lenfest Ocean Program ,