Horror !! U.S.A. lifts post-Fukushima import restrictions on Japanese Radioactive farm products

I noticed absolutely no western media has reported on this , the cowards . Japan plans to kill the world gets a boost from America FDA , USA will now import deadly radioactive murder food from all 14 radiated prefectures in Japan . If this does not shock and horrify you then your stupid , wake up and smell the stench of death .

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration lifts post-Fukushima import restrictions on Japanese farm products https://japantoday.com/category/politics/update1-u.s.-lifts-post-fukushima-import-restrictions-on-japan-farm-products 10 years after Fukushima nuclear disaster,

U.S. lifts food import ban https://the-japan-news.com/news/article/0007799369

Soil from Fukushima radiation decontamination work to be reused in new farmland https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210313/p2a/00m/0na/023000c

UN Degenerate Scum Secretary-General Antonio Guterres : 'World must wake up' #World #Environment #savetheplanet https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210922_10/

Hi every one I am Dana Durnford and I am here to go to war for you and your amazing species on your planet . The Secret Society & Death Cult known as the Nuclear industry is exterminating you and your loved ones and every species on earth , its time to gut up get educated and fight back .

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