The Problem With Nuclear Waste is The Constant Radioactive Fallout From Its Emissions

The problem with nuclear waste is the fuel is still splitting the vicious man made atoms into the environment . The nuclear fuel that powers a million homes does it by splitting atoms and once the fuel is in the nuclear fuel pools its still splitting the atoms but now with no containment. Each fuel pool boils off about 120,000 litres a day into the environment . Each litre of water has trillions of man made vicious isotopes in it .

Every single day and there are around a thousand fuel pools worldwide doing the same thing , each pool is releasing a invisible plume into your environment, into the biosphere ,into your ecosystem . This is a nuclear war it's the same radioactive fallout but much much more because it's produced every day all day not by 10 or 15 pounds fuel like a bomb but by millions and millions pounds in fuel pools splitting the atoms .

The reason nuclear power plants aka disease factories are surrounded by farms is to move the radioactive fallout away from the site and to flood the supermarkets with contaminated food . I known this because almost all nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel facility and waste sites are also surrounded by farms so it is not a accident it is a engineered agenda .

There is 1800 illnesses diseases allow immune deficiencies a injuries and illnesses besides cancer from man made isotopes because no life on earth is immune to man made radiation .

The body’s of all species attacked radiation with white blood cells he was displace the red blood cells permanently to attack each man made atom forever eventually building a tumour around it . Each day a massive invisible plume of billions of trillions of radioactive isotopes is released from the fuel rods in a fuel pools that are still splitting the atoms. these atoms which bio accumulate for millions of years and are deadly to everything with replicating cells .

The atoms are like biological weapons or bullets exploding every second in in the victim's bodies the insects the birds the animals The mammals the humans . if you live within 100 miles of a nuclear power plant or fuel site you were exposed constantly to man made anthropogenic atoms. nuclear power plants cannot contain and have no intentions of containing it . the problem with children and small animals is a bio accumulates in the thyroid glands and so you create radioactive hormones that then mutate their stem cells . You have to wake up and protect the female of all species they are 4 times more vulnerable than males . With out females all species and we go extinct .