With Nuclear Expert Dana Durnford . I have tons of pictures study's articles eyewitness accounts to help unravel the endless lies deception by the filthy sleazy scumbag degenerate infested nuclear industry . All the story's below are full of lies and misrepresentation of facts so during the presentation I will unravel the revolting double speak of these and many many more despicable mass murdering nuke tards .
If you do read the fake stories by nuke apologist below I suggest a long shower after to help disinfect the mind and soul and then come back and watch the show to make things right . #carbonfree #themileisland
‘We will endure the difficulty’: The partial meltdown at Three Mile Island in 1979 https://www.pennlive.com/life/2021/03/we-will-endure-the-difficulty-the-partial-meltdown-at-three-mile-island-in-1979.html
How scumbag Dick Thornburgh shamefully handled the Three Mile Island disaster , He refused to issue a general evacuation order which could have created panic . ( Hey maybe we should get rid of the 50 to 100 sirens around nuke plants so we do not cause a panic ) https://www.mcall.com/opinion/mc-opi-three-mile-island-governor-madonna-20210105-2x2uuimn4vdsze57jedxea7w5i-story.html
in 2018, the reactor’s then-owner reported that a decommissioning trust fund for TMI-2 held about $899 million, while the estimated clean-up costs were $1.35 billion.
The NRC’s website says decommissioning must be completed within 60 years of a plant ceasing operations, unless necessary to protect public health and safety.
The Three Mile Island (TMI) accident in 1979 pretty much put an end to the nuclear power construction heyday. Cleanup started in August 1979, and officially ended in December 1993, with a total cleanup cost of about $1 billion.
Three Mile Island nuclear debris could remain in Idaho for another 20 years if regulators finalize a license extension ( is fake news you can not move a melt down reactor core like they claim besides the fact it was burnt up and released into the atmosphere as a radioactive plume ) https://www.citynews1130.com/2019/09/16/agency-could-keep-three-mile-island-nuclear-debris-in-idaho/
TMI Alert puts up new ‘irony’ billboard regarding nuclear plant closure https://www.pressandjournal.com/stories/tmi-alert-puts-up-new-irony-billboard-regarding-nuclear-plant-closure,66308
Exelon’s plan delays cleaning up Unit 1 until 2074, to allow “additional time for normal radioactive decay” to provide a “safer environment” for workers doing the decommissioning, https://www.pressandjournal.com/stories/tmi-alert-puts-up-new-irony-billboard-regarding-nuclear-plant-closure,66308
If you like being lied to read this --- Testing of radioactive water evaporator begins at Three Mile Island , The release's effect on the average person living within 50 miles of Three Mile Island will be less than the amount of radiation received from a year of watching color television says nuke monsters https://www.upi.com/Archives/1989/10/11/Testing-of-evaporator-begins-at-Three-Mile-Island/2514624081600/
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