Japan Already Dumped Fukushima’s Nuke Tanks In Pacific -Makes earth300 Happy - Google Backs Nuclear

4 dead emaciated Gray whales found in Bay Area in last week [RadioactiveFallOut] https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/fourth-dead-whale-san-francisco-bay-muir-beach-16087158.php

Japan Will Release Fukushima’s Radioactive Water Into the Ocean ( warning VICE refuses to do investigative science ) Japan tanks are empty and have always been empty [FukushimaNuclearMeltdowns] https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkbeay/japan-fukushima-radioactive-wate

r Japanese Minister not nuclear scientist to counter baseless nuclear water rumors ,and will help to suppress any baseless rumors [FukushimaNuclearMeltdowns] https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210409_16/

No wonder I am censored on youtube - Google-AKA Alphabet backs nuclear energy firm Tri Alpha Energy , TAE Technologies raises USD 280 million [NuclearGateKeepers] https://www.wionews.com/business-economy/google-backed-nuclear-energy-firm-tae-technologies-raises-usd-280-million-376722

Atomic Superyacht to Offer $3 Million Eco-Tours With Scientists , A nuclear-powered ship full of scientists, activists and billionaires, sailing the world and examining the state of the oceans. [NuclearGateKeepers] [NuclearBrainwashing] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2021-04-10/atomic-superyacht-to-offer-3-million-eco-tours-with-scientists-knbkij6k

Aaron Olivera Founder | CEO https://earth300.com/ [NuclearGateKeepers]


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Nuclear Expert Dana Durnford , Fukushima nuclear meltdown , pacific ocean , radioactive sea food , japan , nuclear fallout , nuclear power plant , whale beaching , die off , dead whale , bird wreck , seal die off , marine die off , sea lion beaching , whale stranding ,